Shuffleboard League Spring 2020
Friday Nights 7:00-10:00pm. Starts January 24th, 2020
12 Week League Play, includes Playoff and Championship Game
Minimum Two Matches per Team on League Night
Matches: First to 15 Points or 30 Minutes
2-5 People Per Team – includes Alternate. Maximum 5 players
All registered team players must actually play to be eligible for prizes and discounts.
$30 Team Registration /$10 Single Registration (Covers League Fees and All Matches)
Shufflepuck Cup Champions
Absolute Bragging Rights!
Fame and Notoriety at the Brewery!
Team Players get a $1.00 discount off of HBC Brews on League Nights!
Registered League Players may Practice for Free anytime during League weeks.
A Championship Playoff Game will be held between the top two teams.
SPRING 2020 League starts on January 24, 2020. Game play starts at 7pm. Please do not wait for the last moment to sign up. When we have all the teams, we will send you the schedule.
Please complete entire form including email addresses, so each member can be included in Shuffleboard League News and Updates. Fees must be paid prior to the beginning of play, Jan 24th, 2020. Only the team members registered will be allowed to play shuffleboard on league nights and receive the championship prize. Teams must consist of a minimum of 2 players, and a maximum of 5 players including alternates. All Players who sign up are to participate in the actual game play, in order to be eligible for discounts and prizes. EX: If you sign up 4 Players then 4 Players need to play the game with all Players participating. (Excluding occasional times when a Player cannot make it.) Only Players are eligible for prizes and drink discounts. If you are signing up as a single, Hardware Brewing Co. will place you on a team.